The Mix
THE MIX is an important part of the musical process. It involves fine-tuning, tweaking levels, adjusting effects, filtering noise, & combining all the instruments to get the ideal sound. In many ways, leadership is very similar in getting the right people connected in the right roles and executing a plan that maximizes everyone’s potential. The Mix is all about leadership development & putting students’ gift mixes and talents into practice.

The Mix
The Mix is our Student Leadership team and is designed to give students a high degree of ownership & responsibility in the youth group. These students help lead and plan our Amplify events & Worship nights, as well as co-lead our Life Groups. The key element is to serve God by serving others. This team meets for training and planning once a month throughout the school year and is also in charge of teaching over the summer.

Worship Band
Our Student Worship Band made up of student & adult musicians. This team is designed to lead our bi-monthly worship nights. It gives student musicians a chance to use their gifts and talents to help their friends connect & worship God together. Our Worship Band is about helping students experience & celebrate life change or spiritual metamorphosis.

Projects are service oriented ministry opportunities for students to put their faith into action. They include local service projects in town and onsite as well as out of town mission trips. Service projects are set up quarterly and are designed to give students hands-on ministry experience.

ALT is our Adult Leadership Team made up of awesome volunteers with a love for God & a heart for teenagers. This core group of volunteers helps run the youth ministry and is all about meeting teenagers needs and helping them grow & connect with God. This team meets quarterly for training & planning and weekly for prayer.
“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” –Matthew 28:19-20
Service & Leadership