Fusion is a powerful reaction. It is a scientific term that describes the collision of atoms in which energy is released. Fusion is also a type of music that incorporates a combination of musical genres. Fusion is our main ministry emphasis that combines several purposes into one program. It is the mixing of several key elements of our youth group: Friends, Fun, & Faith.

Fusion is the name of our main youth group night held at the Fusion Café. This is the core of the youth group experience and focuses on teaching, worship, and community. Fusion nights are designed to help students learn spiritual truth, love God more deeply, & connect with one another. Key elements include: building a strong spiritual foundation. These nights are geared to be culturally relevant, inspiring, challenging, and practical.

Worship nights are held every other month and are hosted by our students in the Student Worship Band. These live worship events are centered around connecting more deeply with God in celebration & heart reflection. These student lead interactive worship nights are set in a Coffee Shop style atmosphere and often revolve around a specific spiritual theme: Focus, Refresh, Celebrate.

Sundays we encourage all students to participate in the main worship service and sit together. Being connected with the broader church body is vital to our students’ long-term spiritual health and to the life of the church. The focus of our Sunday morning service is also teaching, worship, and community in a large group context.
“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer….” –Acts 2:42
Large Group: Teaching & Worship