Build your leadership and life skills with Coach “E” in this 1-time class. Together, we’ll take a look at the key to great teamwork which I like to call S.U.C.C.E.S.S. We’ll discover 7 principles of what makes all different kinds of teams work and how putting them into practice can elevate and strengthen our leadership. Get a taste of my style and then try the 8-session Leadership 201 course.
- Grades: 9-12th (High School students)
- Class Length: 45 min (1-time class, days/times vary)
- Cost: View the listing in Outschool for the latest pricing & full details
Join Coach “E” for a fun and practical exploration of what it means to be a great leader. We’ll dive into 8 key leadership principles from well-known leadership experts. Boost your skills & habits. We’ll discover some of the best practices in leadership and learn how to lead yourself and others well. Let’s go!
COURSE CONTENT: (8 Sessions)
- 1. Leading with Principles (from Principle Centered Leadership by Stephen Covey)
- 2. Developing Character (from Habitudes by Dr. Tim Elmore)
- 3. Inspiring Vision (from The Student Leadership Challenge by Kouzes & Posner)
- 4. Serving Others (from Servant Leadership in Action by Ken Blanchard)
- 5. Building Trust (from Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek)
- 6. Enhancing Potential (from The Mentor Leader by Tony Dungy)
- 7. Making Sacrifices (from The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell)
- 8. Choosing Renewal (from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey)
- Grades: 9-12th (High School students)
- Class Length: 45 min (twice a week for 4 weeks)
- Cost: View the listing in Outschool for the latest pricing & full details